So, you’ve been studying the art of seduction with Elvis Preston King, and now you`re ready to get into her pants. Sexy white, pink, red, blue, or whatever color of panties are flying through the air!... So, you’ve been studying the art of seduction with Elvis Preston King, and now you`re ready to get into her pants. Sexy white, pink, red, blue, or whatever color of panties are flying through the air! You have been hanging out with the king and you have his moves down. You walk the walk and talk the talk. You smile and approach every hot babe with in one hundred yards of you. You can sprint like a track star to get to the girl before she grabs a taxi or flies away. You are just on a roll with the meeting the hot girls! You are headed back to your bachelor pad. You have to build trust and confidence on the way over to your pad. You arrive at the bach pad. She walks in and BOOM! The bach pad is a disaster. You are dead in the water son. Rule number 1. You make sure she’s comfortable. Let’s face it men, many of us are slobs. Once we moved away from home and didn’t have our mothers to remind us to pick up our rooms and handle our laundry we can quickly let things get out of hand. What we often don’t realize though is that this sloppy attitude can cost us a roll in the hay! Most women just aren’t comfortable in an environment of sheets that haven’t been washed in months, the only clothes you have piled on the floor, and with the only thing to eat is the remainder of a six pack of beer. Make your bedroom a Palace of Love Have clean laundry. Have a clean and properly stocked bathroom. Have a nicely stocked fridge. Get rid of the used condoms and I hope I don’t have to tell you why she does not want to see pecker tracks all over your sheets! The Successful Bedroom If you want to keep her around you’ll have clean sheets and all the necessary ingredients for successful sex – and by that I mean you’ll have both condoms and lube and if you’re smart you’ll have candles for mood, and drapes or shades on the windows because you might be able to sleep through blinding sunlight in the morning but she might not be able to. Remember, making her happy the first time you have sex, and then having a comfortable place for her to sleep, means your chances for round two (or three or four) are greatly increased. Make damn sure you have toilet paper. You get the idea don’t be a slob and blow your chance for hot sex. Review your bachelor pad before you stock it full of hot babes. I have got to go I have a hot girl waiting that wants to lay your King right now. Source: Free Articles from