The number one problem with the community is it is made up of computer geeks who are over analytical. The wussie gets inundated with information that goes in one side and out the other. The whole proc... The number one problem with the community is it is made up of computer geeks who are over analytical. The wussie gets inundated with information that goes in one side and out the other. The whole process is over-complicated. Elvis Preston King is a natural pick up artist and ladies man. I say stupid crap with girls sometimes and still score like a mad man. I have been picking up girls for forty years and was recently discovered by the International Underground Internet Seduction Community when I posted the “Playboy Playoff Challenge” on the internet. I challenged any one on the plant to meet me in competition to see who can get more women in the sack in a given period of time. I one night stand more women than any man in the history of mankind. Lately I have been analyzing myself trying to figure out what I do that gives me this gift that most men of the world long for but don’t have. It is natural for me. I always have my mind set on auto-pilot to pick up a hot babe whenever I see one cross my path. I love women and love making love with them. So I make it a priority in my life to meet and approach them. I use a very direct approach. My first goal is to make sure she has contact info. This way at least I have some statistical chance with her. If a highly trained computer geek pick up artist makes a twenty minute presentation, that came straight out of the “Book of Pick Up Artists” but fails to get his number to her what has he gained? Nothing my friend. But if Elvis Preston King flies in behind Mr. Slick Polished PUA and gets something out of his mouth but gets his number in the little sweeties hand who has the better odds of sleeping with her? The KING, of course. The community has reached info-saturation on pickup and attraction. It is simple really, if a guy has desire and belief and really wants the hot babes he will make himself get off his lazy ass and go get the girls. Most computer geeks set on places like Thundercat’s and criticize the guys like Mystery, Ross Jeffries, David DeAngelo, Thundercat, Tyler Turden, Style and in particular Elvis Preston King instead of getting offline and meeting some hot babes. I call those guys wussie losers. Look to yourself for motivation or forever hold your dick in you hand. Be who you are, but approach women if you want to be in the Game. Source: Free Articles from