Believe it or not, women are very good at reading your body language. That’s why it’s important for you to know some body language signs of an attractive male, so you have a better understanding what women react to. There are a lot of different signals that you can send with just standing up straight. Men don’t often realize just how attractive the body’s language can be to a woman. If you want to send off a good message, then you should know how to use your body to communicate different things. By simply standing, you could very well attract someone. For those that aren’t aware of any attractive body language for men, the following can help with a few tips. The following looks at a few ideas in regards to attractive body language for men and how to work with it to ensure that attraction is not too far gone of a conclusion. Standing Up Straight No matter where you are, if you are not standing up straight, you are not going to get attention. You have to focus on attractive body language for men with this starting line. Stand up straight, and do not slouch at all. Don’t let yourself bend, and focus on your posture. If you’re not good at this, or you have never thought about it, then practice by standing up against a wall at home. Simply hold your back in place, and keep looking forward. Standing up straight is one way to ensure that women find you attractive, because they feel that as a confidence booster. Keep Your Head Up Don’t look down. Don’t bend down, and don’t let your gaze leave your focal points. You should walk with your head up, straight, and with purpose. When you are constantly looking down, you are not going to send the right message to the women you want to attract. Amidst the most attractive body language for men, walking straight, while keeping your head up is stellar. Keep your head up at all times, unless you’re deliberately doing something that requires you to look down, like picking up a coin or tying your shoes. Arms Relaxed And Out of Pockets A lot of men find themselves getting nervous with pretty women, and will tuck their hands into their pockets. They’ll fold their arms, and they’ll just look nervous by how they move their head and body. To offset that and focus on attractive body language for men, you’ll need to let your arms be relaxed, out of your pocket, and to your side. Don’t fold your arms, don’t cross your hands, just loosen up and stand tall. You don’t have to be completely rigid here, but you should just allow yourself some relaxed positioning. This will help, and you’ll notice how it works when you’re around other men that are not doing what you’re doing. Article Tags: Attractive Body Language, Attractive Body, Body Language Source: Free Articles from For more guides on attracting women, visit the Art of Seducing Women